Thank you for visiting my online art studio and letting me share some of my creativity with you.

I find walking in beautiful scenery totally refreshing and I am fortunate to live on the South Coast of England, where I thoroughly enjoy the New Forest and the sea with my hubby and ‘Lily’ our adorable Jack Russell.

Although nature is a huge inspiration, my main creative passion comes in trying to visualise spiritual truths through different mediums. Do have a look around at the different sections of the website, which include music videos, abstract painting, mosaics and graphics.

Click here to view new abstracts

I look to find creative ways to explore the mysterious and the super-naturalness of Creator God, all the time wanting and hoping my artwork might carry some elements of His love, joy and peace to YOU the viewer.

If you are interested in the spiritual aspects of life, I hope you will find something here to inspire, challenge or encourage you.